MIND, AND HOURS 《我。我們》音樂會
A Musical Concert featuring Original Songs
八月 August 31 2018
What is MINE? What is OURS?
We have a lot on our MIND, yet only so many HOURS to make something out of it.
Hong Kong is a fast-moving society: some thrive under it, others struggle to keep up. Some call this home, others find it hard to belong.
Organically, our differences breed very different stories, stories which are personal, stories which are mine.
Collectively, they become the story of Hong Kong, a story which is ultimately, ours.
MIND, AND HOURS is our love letter to Hong Kong featuring musical theatre numbers about the struggles of Hong Kong people, and also compositions written by Tiffany Leung, Tang Chak Yan, Tsang Henry Chi Yeung, Amos Wong, Eagle Wu, Alice Yeung, Yip Sai Man Simon, Fish Yu which shares their stories of Hong Kong.
《我.我們》音樂會是一封給香港的信,透過音樂敘述香港人的種種煩惱。以下作曲家藉著音樂作品,分享自身在香港的故事,他們是:王樂行、余梓朗、胡皓嵐、梁恩庭、曾子揚、 楊凱晴、葉世民以及鄧澤恩。